An easy recipe for baked brie. The gooey brie mixed with the crunchy phyllo and the tangy mango chutney makes the perfect appetizer or party pleaser! It...
Inspired by the Julie and Julia motion picture, here is a little twist on one of the most the delicious-looking recipes to grace the movie screen! Unless...
These egg rolls freeze really well, so go ahead and make a double batch. Add shredded cabbage or julienned taro for a different twist. Add minced crab...
A fast and easy way to prepare a pretty classic nacho treat, with ground, browned turkey meat. The kids and my husband love it. Serve with sour cream,...
Sweet summer corn is lightly smoked and covered in a subtle, yet delicious bourbon-cinnamon butter. If you already have other foods going in your smoker...
What better way to 'fiesta' than with this beautiful plate of alternative nachos? This will make a very delicious change of pace to the traditional version....
If you are looking for a Italian bread dip, try this. It makes a spectacular bread dip, suitable for any occasion. Double or triple the recipe to make...
This recipe has been altered and tweaked with each batch until I felt it couldn't suit us any better. I used to remove the bones and skin, which was time...
These are super easy wings that your crowd will love. This recipe will make a dinner for two or hors d'oeuvres for ten. Try your own variations with other...
This is a great guacamole recipe which is very easy to customize to your own tastes. The addition of lime and chipotle puts a spin on this simple recipe...
Red pepper flakes add a surprisingly spicy twist to this typically sweet fig topping and it's the perfect accompaniment to your favorite cheese and a glass,...
Serve this with crudites to keep it light; celery and carrot sticks are the perfect vessel for scooping up the Buffalo goodness! You can even add some...
Fried tortillas topped with salsa and cheese are baked for 8 minutes at 350 degrees. Cheddar, Jack, or pizza mixture all work fine. Cool the oil and save...
Classic pimento cheese with creamy texture and a little extra kick. This is a great make-ahead dish. I love grilled pimento cheese sandwiches, and this...
Savory marinated chicken on a bed of cream cheese infused with garlic and cilantro, topped with crunchy peanuts, more cilantro, and a spicy sweet chile...
I was looking for a way to have healthier snacks on hand for my kids lunches and on the go snacking. This recipe can be modified to include fruit instead...
This is a potluck appetizer or side dish that is sweet, sour, and spicy. The sauce is thick enough to cling to the smokies for the most taste with every...
These won tons are easy and amazingly good. Trick all of your friends into thinking you are a gourmet in just 20 minutes! Please note! Won tons are best...